Gibtelecom team up with GibSams
May 09, 2022

Gibtelecom team up with GibSams
It’s Mental Health Awareness week, and we’ve teamed up with Gibsams to identify with this year’s theme of loneliness and discover the simple power of listening.
Together with GibSams we’ve investigated how technology can help people stay connected both online and with oneself to help combat loneliness and improve overall mental health.
GibSams Vice Chair and Operations Trustee, Brenda Cuby, commented on the significance of this year’s theme in Gibraltar saying: “Sometimes if you are struggling with stress or anxiety, you can feel lonely even when you are with people, as you just don't have the confidence or energy to have conversations.
“There are many people who live on their own in Gibraltar and for various reasons they hardly see others in person. The longer this continues the harder it is to have the confidence to either pick up the phone and call someone or even to step outside your own front door.”
As a technical company ourselves we are aware of some of the negative connotations associated with technology and mental health. However, in life, there is always a balance to be found in both the good and the bad and this idea translates to technology.
Technology has been, and continues to be, essential to staying connected to family, friends and loved ones. It was especially key to keeping loneliness at bay during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Facilitated by the internet, people were able to communicate with others, from family living down the street to friends across the globe. By sharing in the significant moments of their lives, that they otherwise would have missed, technology significantly reduced the effects of loneliness.
There is also an ever-growing selection of mental health apps to help people stay on track. Whether these are used for meditation, mood tracking or life organisation there are impressive resources available specifically designed to help keep people centred.
Some of our favourites include: HeadSpace (guided meditation), MoodFit (customisable goals to help keep on track of your mood) and Clear Fear (helping to minimise your anxiety).
Mental health is an ongoing campaign. If you’re struggling, you can reach out to Gibsams by calling 116 123 for free or through the Live Chat option on their website