Gibtelecom sponsors Field Gun Crew
August 15, 2016

Gibtelecom sponsored the 2016 Gibraltar Field Gun crew, who after a gruelling two months of training competed at the Royal Navy annual Field Gun competition at HMS Collingwood, Portsmouth earlier this summer.
The competition took place on 4 June 2016, with participating crews representing units from the Royal Navy and Royal Marines as well as the British Army and Royal Air Force. Each crew of 18 highly disciplined, motivated, and physically fit field gunners, races to assemble an antique field gun and run with it, disassembling and reassembling as the competition requires, before dramatically dragging the gun home, maintaining the spirit of the Royal Navy’s contribution to the relief of Ladysmith.
The origins of the field gun competition lie in the Boer War in South Africa when the Royal Navy in support of the Army landed guns to help in the relief of the siege of Ladysmith.
After a tough day of competition it was the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) team who won the coveted Brickwoods Trophy –so named because the Brickwoods Brewery donated the trophy at the first Field Gun competition held in 1907 and the tradition continues to this day.The Gibraltar team got through to the second Plate final and finished in third place having been in the lead all the way up until the last run when they missed a few seconds and slipped into third place.
Gibtelecom was represented at the event by Mark Chichon who has strong military connections having served in the Royal Gibraltar Regiment Reserves reaching the rank of Major.