At Gibtelecom, we are not only a successful technology company, we also look after our people. We offer young people and students a variety of opportunities to gain practical work experience during their studies. Whether it's an internship or a working student job, newcomers get to know Gibtelecom as an employer from the ground up, whilst the Company benefits from the fresh ideas of its students. In turn, we hope to develop the talent, with an interest in technology, that will contribute to Gibtelecom in the future.

Summer employment opportunities

Gibtelecom takes on university students every year, across a number of roles and departments. This provides a real insight into careers within the Company and the opportunity to contribute to current projects and functions within the business. To apply you must be:

  • Currently studying for degree or post-graduate qualifications and continuing your studies the following term after the summer period
  • Priority will be given to students undertaking engineering, telecommunications, networking or computer science related subjects
  • Applicants must be able to work throughout the summer period as minimal leave will apply


Summer employment is normally offered for 8 weeks during July and August and working hours vary between departments. Students wishing to apply should contact the HR department on before May of each year.

Work experience for school students

Students from all secondary schools in Gibraltar can apply for short-term voluntary placements within Gibtelecom as part of their work experience programme. This normally consists of a week or two in different areas of the business. Gibtelecom endeavours to ensure that these placements are a learning experience and that students make the most of the time they spend with the Company in a working environment. Any interested student must liaise with their school Careers Advisor or Teacher to register their interest. 

Graduate opportunities

Careers at Gibtelecom go beyond specialist individuals with highly technical skills. Both technical and non-technical roles are important to ensuring the business is successful. Our departments include: Customer Services; Legal and Regulatory; Human Resources; Information Systems; IT and Information Security; Technical Operations; Voice Networks; Marketing; Field Operations; Finance; Sales; Data Centres; Global Business and more.

We look for individuals who demonstrate a positive attitude, a strong commitment their work and the organisation, are self-motivated and have good communication skills.

If you hold a relevant degree and are confident in your ability to contribute to our organisation, we encourage you to reach out to our HR team on and they will advise you of any relevant opportunities. 

Contact HR if you are interested in working with us

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